Gulf Organization for Industrial Consulting
Ministry of Energy & Industry
Qatar National Bank
Qatar Development Bank
Qatar Industrial
Manufacturing Co.
Federation of GCC Chambers (FGCCC)
Qatar Chambers
Arabic Broadcaster
Dar Al sharq
Media Sponsor
Al Hayyat
Media Personnel
Eye of Riyadh
Eye of Dubai
– (Economic Zones Company) is a shareholding
company established by the Minister of Business
and Trade of the State of Qatar under decision
No. 272 in the year 2011. Chaired by His
Excellency Sheikh Ahmed Bin Jassim Al Thani,
Minister of Economy and Commerce, Manateq is
owned by the Qatari Government represented by
Qatar’s Authority for SMEs.
With a portfolio of 3 Specialized Economic Zones
in Qatar, MANATEQ, aims at providing world-class
infrastructure that will facilitate the
development of the private sector and the Small
and medium industries and enterprises, as well
as to playing a vital part in the realization of
the country’s overall economic growth and
diversification strategy and in nurturing the
local knowledge economy, an essential component
towards the achievement of one of the key
pillars contained in the Qatar National Vision
2030 – Economic Development.
The company’s mandate covers various key
locations that offer an integrated range of
services, they have been clearly clustered to
provide infrastructure and services that cater
to specific industries and business sectors,
ensuring the right conditions for smooth,
long-term operations for clients, and the
opportunity for excellent returns are
MANATEQ promotes ease of doing business by
offering World class infrastructure, advanced
local and international connectivity and
transport network, a streamlined processes for
business establishment and a ‘one stop shop’ for
all establishment and operation needs, an
advanced customer service and support,
facilitated access to equity and loan financing,
and finally a lucrative duty free zone offerings
for Foreign investments.
Our Mission - To play our part in delivering
Qatar’s National Vision by developing and
operating advanced Economic Zones and projects,
offering world-class business environments to
the Qatari private sector.
Our Vision - We exist to create a future with
sustained growth for everyone. We use resources
wisely, support diversification, care for the
environment, provide access to growing markets
and make it easier to do business, thereby
creating the right conditions for smooth,
long-term operations for clients, and the
opportunity for excellent returns.
MANATEQ: Prime Foundations, Boundless

Organization for Industrial Consulting
Gulf Organization for Industrial Consulting (GOIC)
was founded in 1976 by the Gulf Cooperation
Council (GCC) member states: The United Arab
Emirates, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar and
Kuwait, and in 2009, Yemen joined the
Article I of the Establishment Agreement states
that GOIC is a regional organization known as
“The Gulf Organization for Industrial
Consulting” hereinafter referred to as “The
Organization” and enjoys an international legal
personality. According to Article III of the
Establishment Agreement, the Organization was
founded to achieve industrial cooperation and
coordination between member states by collecting
and disseminating information about industrial
development projects and policies. GOIC also
offers specific suggestions aiming at
establishing joint industrial projects between
member states and delivers recommendations to
reconcile industrial development projects. It
coordinates and develops technical and economic
cooperation between existing industrial
institutions and others yet to be established.
In addition to that, GOIC offers technical
assistance in preparing and assessing industrial
projects and puts together industrial
sector-related data and studies. GOIC’s
organizational chart includes the Board and the
General Secretariat. Representatives of member
states appointed by their governments form the
GOIC activities overview
- Holding conferences and discussions aiming at
laying the foundations for potential projects
and coordinating in the areas of commerce,
research, economy and business.
- Building joint alliances and agreements with
several local, regional and international
institutions from the public and private
sectors. In this regard, GOIC has organized 13
sessions of the Gulf Industrialists Conference
aiming at paving the way for a bright industrial
future in GCC countries and Yemen.
- Identifying more than 400 new industrial
opportunities in the region through the
Manufacturing Investment Opportunities Program (MIOP).
- Publishing more than 380 industrial reports,
85 feasibility studies and 20 multi-client
- Offering consulting services to more than 37
clients in GCC countries.
- Holding more than 1691 meetings between
businessmen under the Gulf Subcontracting and
Partnership Exchange (GSPX) Program.
- Organising more than 45 coordination meetings
and 60 training sessions, and issuing more than
500 publications.
- Responding to more than 12000 inquiries in the
area of industrial and economic information.
- Launching the GCC industrial road map in June
- Carrying out an annual assessment of the
readiness of GCC countries to move to
knowledge-based industries (2011-2012).
The Gulf Organization for Industrial Consulting
endeavours to provide clients with high quality
professional services, added value researches
and unique consulting services regarding
industrial and economic development issues in
GCC countries and Yemen.
In addition to that, GOIC developed a series of
programmes aiming at helping clients make
informed decisions by facilitating the transfer
of knowledge and updated industrial news such
- The Manufacturing Investment Opportunities
Program (MIOP)
- The Industrial Studies and Policies Program
- The Gulf Subcontracting and Partnership
Exchange Program (GSPX)
- The Industrial Technical Assistance Program (ITA)
- The Industrial Market Intelligence Program (IMI)
- The Training and Capacity Development Program
- The Information Resources Program (IR)

The Federation of GCC
Chambers (FGCCC)
idea of establishing a federation that brings
together commercial, industrial and agricultural
chambers in GCC countries sharing the same
economic conditions was born out of the mounting
need for strengthening bonds of fraternity,
unity and common destiny and enhancing economic
cooperation between these countries.
The preliminary meetings and communications
between GCC chambers and federations of
commerce, industry, agriculture led to the first
economic development conference of the Arabian
Gulf chambers in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
between the 16th and the 20th of October 1967.
The objective was to discuss means of economic
cooperation in all fields between the people of
the Gulf and private sector’s role in this
regard. Federations and chambers of commerce and
industry in the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain,
Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait and Iraq
attended this conference.
The conference resulted in a series of
resolutions and recommendations, notably the
establishment of a federation to comprise Gulf
chambers of commerce, industry and agriculture.
Dammam, Saudi Arabia was chosen as the
headquarters and it was decided to set up a
committee comprising directors of the
federations and chambers that attended the
conference to prepare a draft constitution for
the federation. The draft constitution was to be
presented during the second conference that took
place in the State of Kuwait.
During the second conference of Gulf chambers of
commerce, industry and agriculture held in
Kuwait on the 14th of October 1979, the
constitution of the Federation of the Gulf
Chambers was approved and the establishment of
the Federation was declared. All heads and
members of Gulf federations and chambers
participating in this meeting signed the
constitution of the Federation. Thus,
federations and chambers of the UAE, Bahrain,
Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Oman, Qatar and Kuwait
became members of the Federation Council. After
Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait on the 2nd of August
1990, Iraq’s membership was terminated and the
name of the Federation was changed to the
Federation of the Gulf Cooperation Council
Chambers (FGCCC).

QNB Group
National Bank (QNB Group), was established in
1964 as the country’s first Qatari-owned
commercial bank, has an ownership structure
split between the Qatar Investment Authority
(50%) and the private sector (50%).
QNB Group has steadily grown to be the biggest
bank in Qatar and leading financial institution
in the Middle East and North Africa Region with
a market share around 45% of banking sector
Bloomberg Markets, the leading provider of
Business, Financial and Economic news ranked QNB
as “One of the World’s Strongest Banks” again in
The Global Finance Magazine ranked QNB as “One
of The Top 50 Safest Banks in the World” in
2013, and the following year, it was recognized
as “The Best Bank in The Middle East” by
Euromoney Magazine.
For 2014, the Group recorded net profit of
QR10.5 billion (USD2.9 billion), up by 10.3%
compared to last year. Total assets increased by
9.7% from December 2013 to reach QR486 billion
(USD133.6 billion), the highest ever achieved by
the Group.
QNB Group continues to witness robust
international expansion. QNB has acquired a
20.0% stake (both ordinary and QNB convertible
preference shares) in Ecobank Transnational
Incorporated (Ecobank), the leading pan-African
bank. In 2013, the Group successfully completed
the acquisition of a controlling stake of the
second largest private bank in Egypt, QNB ALAHLI
(QNBAA)), amounting to 97.12%. The Group has
also extended its regional reach by acquiring
stakes in various financial institutions
including 35% stake in the Jordan-based, the
Housing Bank for Trade and Finance (HBTF), 40%
in Commercial Bank International (CBI) based in
the United Arab Emirates (UAE), 99.96% of QNB
Tunisia, 51% in the Iraqi-based Mansour Bank,
49% of the Libyan based Bank of Commerce &
Development and 20% stake in Al Jazeera Finance
Company in Doha. QNB Group also retains 51%
stake in QNB-Syria and an 83% stake in QNB
Indonesia (previously known as QNB Kesawan). In
2013, QNB Group also opened a representative
office in China and established a fully owned
subsidiary in India under the name of “QNB India
Private Limited”.
The Group’s presence through its subsidiaries
and associate companies extends to more than 27
countries across three continents providing a
comprehensive range of advanced products and
services. The total number of employees is more
than 14,500 operating through more than 615
locations, with an ATM network of more than
1,310 machines.
The Group provides an array of investment
banking services through its subsidiary, QNB
Capital, to corporate, government and
institutional clients within Qatar and globally.
QNB Capital has one of the best corporate
finance teams in the GCC region offering
extensive transaction experience and in depth
advisory – including mergers and acquisitions,
equity and debt capital markets, and project
financing advisory. The Group also offers
brokerage services through its subsidiary, QNB
Financial Services (QNB FS), the first
independently regulated, licensed brokerage
company launched by a bank in Qatar. QNB FS
offers a multi-market, multi-currency trading
platform with access to several markets.
QNB Group is among the highest rated regional
banks from leading credit rating agencies
including Standard & Poor’s (A+), Moody’s (Aa3),
Fitch (A+), and Capital Intelligence (AA-). The
Bank has also been the recipient of many awards
from leading international specialised financial
Based on the Group’s continuous strong financial
performance and its expanding international
presence, QNB is currently ranked as the most
valuable bank brand in The Middle East and
Africa, with a current world ranking of 79 in
2015 and a brand valuation of $2.6 billion
according to Brand Finance Magazine.
QNB Group has an active community support
program and sponsors various social, educational
and sporting events.
For further information, please contact QNB’s
Public Relations Department at (+974) 4497 5704,
Fax (+974) 4425 2589, email: or visit
QNB’s website

Development Bank (QDB)
Development Bank (QDB) was established in 1997
as the Qatar Industrial Development Bank, a 100%
government-owned developmental organisation. Its
primary aim was to develop investments within
local industries, thereby accelerating growth
and economic diversification in Qatar through
support for private sector. Between 1997 and
2005, the bank expanded its portfolio,
diversifying from its industrial base to include
support and guidance for a range of
non-industrial sectors identified as key to the
development of Qatar. Shortly afterwards, the
bank revisited its mission statement to reflect
the successful completion of its new strategic
objective and changed its name to Qatar
Development Bank. The State of Qatar, QDB’s sole
shareholder, increased the bank's capital from
200 million to 10 billion riyals in 2008. Since
that time, and reflecting the expansion of its
mission and financial assets, QDB has launched a
considerable number of strategic initiatives and
programs, all designed to directly contribute to
the economic growth and development of Qatar.
QDB’s strategy is entirely in line with Qatar
National Vision 2030. It is focused on promoting
and facilitating the growth of the private
sector in Qatar within key economic channels. In
turn, this support will enable the development
of long term, sustainable social and economic
benefits across the economy.
Aside from offering financial support, Qatar
Development Bank is tasked with promoting
entrepreneurship in the private sector,
facilitating the development of key economic
sectors through the provision of capital and
advisory services. QDB has also launched several
initiatives, including Al Dhameen program, an
indirect loan facility to guarantee commercial
bank loans to private sector companies, in
collaboration with other banks and financial
QDB’s export arm “Tasdeer” program was created
to develop and promote exports from Qatar,
providing export credit guarantees in addition
to financial products and solutions designed to
mitigate the risks imposed on local exporters.
The bank also provides consulting services in
business development to help entrepreneurs to
prepare for business. This will include
feasibility studies, the conduct of market
research and the selection of appropriate
techniques; fundamentally helping to develop the
capabilities of SME owners to enhance and refine
their skills in the market and establish strong
ties with financial and non-financial support

Industrial Manufacturing Co., was established in
1990 with 20%80% government and private equity
interests respectively. The establishment of
QIMC was in fact a clear manifestation the
particular attention given by the State of Qatar
t the issue of the private sectors participation
in the process of the country’s economic
development through investing in small and
medium scale industries.
QIMC’s initial authorized capital was set at QR
200 Million (US $ 55 Million) and fully paid by
2002. In 2006, capital was increased by 50% to
QR 300 Million. In 2009, capital was increased
by 20% to QR 360 Million and 2010, capital was
increased by 10% to 396 Million. In 2014,
capital was increased by 20% to 475.2 Million.
QIMC started business in May 1990 only to become
within a short period of time one of the
pioneering companies in the filed of small and
medium scale industries in Qatar. Far from being
confirmed to the State of Qatar, QIMC’s
activities extended to other GCC counties such
as Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Oman.
Currently, QIMC has equity interest in 18
projects in various industries sector including
chemicals, petrochemicals, construction
materials and food processing. QIMC is also
currently investing the economic feasibility of
a number of other projects in collaboration with
other local and foreign interested parties.
QIMC’s investment strategy is essentially driven
by the fundamental principle of iinvesting in
economically viable industrial projects that
utilize locally/regionally available natural
resources/intermediate products. QIMC also views
its investment activity in the wider economic
development context, and for that reason, it
strives to maximize the macroeconomic benefits
resulting from its investment activity to the
national economy in terms of employment
opportunities for the national labor force,
transfer of modern technology and contribution
to the country’s balance of trade.
QIMC welcome the participation of all investors
and technology know-how holders in joint venture
in viable small/medium sized projects.

of Aamal
Company is one of the GCC’s fastest growing
diversified conglomerates. Focused on sustained,
profitable growth and strongly diversified for
balanced exposure across Qatar’s rapidly growing
economy, Aamal’s operations comprise 23 business
units with market leading positions in the key
industrial, retail, property, managed services
and medical equipment and pharmaceutical
sectors. Aamal is one of the largest diversified
companies quoted on the Qatar Exchange, having
been listed since December 2007.
This success has been centred upon a strategy
designed to identify key growth opportunities,
capitalising on them through the deployment of
capital and partnering with industry leaders,
who provide the required level of expertise,
when necessary. Aamal’s diversified approach is
a source of strength; providing both a degree of
stability and a platform to take full advantage
of these opportunities, as and when they arise.
Arabia is the Arab World's leading and only
24-hour Arabic language financial and business
news and information Channel, presenting
in-depth & up-to-the-minute coverage of regional
and international affairs from an Arab economic
As the only channel to deliver live regional
market data in the Middle East, through its
signature ticker, in-depth and analytical
reporting with credible and experienced anchors,
CNBC Arabia enables investors to make quick and
informed decisions in a dynamic and changing
environment, bringing real-time information to
the most influential, powerful and affluent
audience in the Middle East.
Broadcasting from Dubai Media City, CNBC Arabia
has established bureaus in major Middle East and
Northern African countries. In addition, the
channel has its correspondents reporting from

SITES is the first and only English Monthly
Newsletter established in 2007, totally
committed to highlighting various issues and
aspects of the construction industry / sectors
in Qatar. Our Editorial features include
Construction news
Construction Art & Design
Editorial & Experts comments
Project Focus
Product Focus
Services & Job opportunities
Forthcoming Exhibitions and Events
Oil, Gas and Energy news
Distributed FREE of charge, our newsletter is an
A3 size, full colour glossy paper that reached
13,500 monthly circulation and up to 12,477
direct email addresses both local and
international construction related companies.
For more information, visit our website at
Contact Information:
Company name: Qatar Construction SITES
Contact Person: Maria Lazaro
Tel No/s: +974 44693173 / 4469 3280
Fax No.: +974 4451 0428
Email Address:
Life (Al-Hayat)
“Life (Al-Hayat)…
Granted Anew”
Daily political Arab and international newspaper
(Founded in early 2005)
Assistant Editor:
Jamil Al-Dhiabi
Life (Al-Hayat)… Granted Anew.” People in charge
of the Saudi version of “Al-Hayat” have chosen
this slogan to address Saudi readers since the
first edition of Saudi “Al-Hayat” came to life
in January 2005. Saudi “Al-Hayat” rapidly
reflected a unique mixture of local, Arab and
international without having any negative impact
on the newspaper’s professionalism and
Since the launch of its local version in 2005,
the newspaper endeavoured to deliver analytical
materials that are as good or even better than
analyses published in other widely distributed
Saudi newspapers. The newspaper was capable of
attracting local journalists from all over KSA
to cover news about various Saudi cities.
“Al-Hayat” offered intensive qualifying courses
allowing these journalists to become familiar
with the methodology of the newspaper. Most of
them are young people, for the administration
decided to qualify a new generation of young
journalists, providing them with the foundations
of professional journalism that might somehow
differ from conventional journalism. Saudi “Al-Hayat”,
similarly to other newspapers, faced a
challenge: the lack of qualified Saudi cadres
capable of keeping up with the progress and
development in the field. It attempted to
overcome this obstacle through intensive
training in cooperation with BBC international
desk. Furthermore, it seized every opportunity
to send editors and journalists to attend
trainings, workshops and conferences abroad to
reinforce their professional skills and improve
their capabilities. “Al-Hayat” also carried out
local workshops for the same purpose.
As to editing, “Al-Hayat” newspaper allocated
eight pages to Saudi local news published in
three different editions for different areas.
The first four pages of Riyadh’s edition are
dedicated to central region news to suit readers
from that specific area. As to the other four
pages, they are equally dedicated to the eastern
and western regions. Similarly, the first four
pages of Jeddah’s edition cover western region’s
news and the first four pages of Dammam’s
edition focus on eastern region’s news. In fact,
it is the first time that a publishing house
decides to address residents of different
regions via different editions dedicated to
every one of them. The objective is to take into
consideration each region’s local aspects and
tackle residents’ concerns. This is how readers
from different areas started to buy, contact,
subscribe and advertise through the paper. It is
an unprecedented endeavour in the history of
Saudi press.
The Newspaper’s reputation was reinforced by
targeting various categories of readers and
publishing news covering their concerns. In this
context, Saudi “Al-Hayat” dedicated a page to
display the worries of the people, encouraging
citizens to support each other, promoting
philanthropy, fulfilling the needs of the
readers and finding solutions to their issues.
Moreover, reaching top positions required giving
particular attention to supplements covering
different areas such as sports and culture, in
addition to other supplements currently under
development including: “The Law”; “The Oasis”;
“The Woman”; “The Child”; “Art”; “Poetry”;
“Viewpoints” in addition to several other
specialised pages covering issues for different
Saudi citizens and Saudi economy aspects.
In brief, Saudi “Al-Hayat” is a modern
representation of written press committed to
religious and national principles. In fact,
neglecting these aspects of utmost importance
would jeopardise the unity of the nation and its
society that has remained unified since the late
King Abdulaziz Al-Saud first established it.
“Al-Hayat” respects the mentality of readers
through its editorial policy adopted by the
monthly magazine concerned with Joint
Cooperation Process
Issued on 1 March 2008
ALMASSERA aims at enhancing GCC media process,
increasing the areas of cooperation and
coordination between GCC press agencies,
acquainting GCC citizen with the GCC development
achievements and highlighting the GCC efforts at
both regional and international levels.
ALMASSERA, issued by the Secretariat General of
the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of
the Gulf, highlights achievements of the GCC
States in various areas, contributes to
increasing awareness and education and
emphasizes GCC identity that has deeply-rooted
e. mail:
P.O. Box: 7153 Riyadh 11462 Kingdom of Saudi

The Magazine
Al Khaleej is a Monthly Magazine published by
The Secretariat General of the federation of
Gulf Cooperation Council Chambers. It handles
the subjects and issues released on the business
fields and the regional and global investment.
The magazine is considered a window for business
men and women, companies in the gulf region to
express their ideas and aspirations towards the
different subjects and for introducing services
and products of the Gulf private sector as well
as promoting partnership opportunities in the
gulf countries and around the world. The
magazine aims at reaching all the business men
and woman who are investors in the gulf
countries and institutions interested in the
economic business.
At the crossing of global trading roads, Gulf
Counties take strategic place enables them play
an important role in the production of the
global economy. These six counties that from
this dynamic system export a great part of
energy sources that move the economic growth
wheel not only on the region scale but also on
the global scale. These sister counties have
different qualifications, and they are:
• Developed economics
• Stable political and security climate
• Strategic geographical location
• Unique touristic features
• High individual income
• Great purchasing power
Aamal Al khleej published in cooperation with
the federation of gulf chambers of commerce
provides you news of the gulf and global economy
offers you, through in depth interviews, the
extract of decision makers thinking and informs
you of the economy reality and the future vision
through diversified reports . The magazine files
discuss through analysis and analysts ideas the
issues that are most offective to the direction
of economy in the gulf region. “Aamal Al Khaleej
“ – The gulf Economic Magazine
It’s published by the federation of gulf
cooperation council chambers (FGCCC) in all gulf
countries in cooperation with gulf investment
services company in the Sultanate of Oman. It
handle the preparation execution production and
promotion operations in the region and The
Magazine Covering All the GCC Countries.
Aamal Al-Khaleej Magazine is been printed
With a total Number of 10,000 copies per edition
The distribution conducted by the federation
directly and the magazine distributed free in
all gulf counties by the chambers of commerce
and industry and to VIPs, 2000 coppices.
